Caro TG2…

posted in: Blog | 5

(questa lettera è stata inviata alla redazione del TG2; non mi aspetto risposta, ma eccheccazzo…)

Caro TG2,
me ne stavo tranquillamente ascoltando il TG, mangiandomi una fetta di cocomero cercando di combattere il caldo estivo, quando ecco che arriva -prevedibilmente, contando che esce stanotte- un servizio su Harry Potter, in cui si parla delle rivelazioni anzitempo svelate su internet e da alcuni giornali.
Sicuramente, mi dirò, il TG2 non farà lo stesso: sanno bene che i lettori di ogni genere … (Read more)

Subterranean restoration: trust issues

posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 6

Subterranean Restoration is beginning to worry me. We weren’t really off with a good start, with the whole ‘enterprise’ setup and the veiled threats to the DRC, but what really gets on my nerves is the apparent contempt for the explorers.

Cormac openly said that explorers are allowed to visit ‘their’ dig sites but ‘at their own risk’, as if they had some kind of authority in the Cavern; then they hired the GoI, or at least part of them, … (Read more)

Todd Goldman

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Vignetta originale e plagio a confronto

La vignetta a sinistra è di Dave Kelly, dal suo fumetto Purple Pussy, ed è del 2001. Il ‘quadro’ a destra è del 2007, di tale Todd Goldman, che vive di magliette e altra oggettistica raffigurante personaggi popolari (tipo Snoopy) o, in casi speciali come questa, tracciando il lavoro di altre persone praticamente linea per linea e chiamandolo ‘omaggio’. Secondo voi chi dei due è l’autore più ricco?… (Read more)

Loreena McKennitt a Firenze

posted in: Artwork, Reviews | 0

E venerdì si andò in quel di Firenze a sentire la rossa canadese tornare in concerto dopo 9 anni di assenza dalle scene…

Poco da dire che non sia stato già detto altrove. Si vede che Loreena ama suonare, soprattutto suonare in compagnia di amici e compagni musicisti, e si vede anche che quelli in tour con lei sono suonatori di tutto rispetto (Hugh Marsh e Brian Hughes in primis: la roba che facevano durante gli assoli…).

Devo dire che, … (Read more)

We did it!

posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 0

Cavern choir concert

The concert was great! At least from my side of the stage…
I think between the first show and the encore we had a total of 130 listeners, which is way more than I personally expected, and the songs sounded really awesome down in the community room. I’d like to hear some feedback from the crowd, though.

For the next concert we were thinking that we might try somewhere nice in the open, maybe Tsogahl or Delin. They might not … (Read more)


posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 0

So we had a vigil the other day, and Yeesha appeared. Sort of. She was her old (?) holographic self, and didn’t say a word but… she was there. Whether it was really her or not, we got a reaction.

Oh yeah, and it’s snowing in Delin. Purrdy.

(Yeah, horrid short post. No time. Will elaborate more later.)… (Read more)


posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 0

Eder Tsogahl

They did say, do not expect fireworks when the Cavern opens officially. It’s just marketing.
We did not get real fireworks, true, but… wohba!

People were gathering in the City, dancing, cheering and generally being happy. Once the City got full, they overflowed in the ‘hoods. So many people showing up in the Nexus!

Then, just to make our day worth, Nick White passed by and gave every ‘hood a Book to Eder Tsogahl (though now some ‘hoods got Eder … (Read more)

To Cate Alexander…

posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 1

First of all, try and get a professional web designer for the DRC site. Right now it just looks cheap.

Second, please reconsider the removal of all the information that was previously available on the DRC website and has now obviously disappeared. Let’s take a few examples:

  • Pages and documentations: the document about the Lost book of Birenni; the information on the fact that the stained glass artwork on the linking room is not of D’ni origin; the information pages
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