Still alive

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Far from triumph and huge successes, though. Surface life has kept me extremely busy, and I barely managed to visit Payiferen in time to get my last pod portal.

I came back yesterday with a feeling of “did I leave the gas on?” and found that, in fact, I had forgotten to turn the main power off. I expected the battery to be depleted but the pod windows were clear and there was still enough power to turn the lights … (Read more)

Book review – Thomas Riley

Oh Ahnonay, how much I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.
Well, not many actually, but it’s extremely annoying when you find you missed one cloth and have to go through the whole thing again. Aargh.

On other news, I was in Negilahn waiting for the portal to appear and decided to pass the time by writing a short review of a steampunk YA book I read recently. So here you go:

“Thomas Riley”, by Nick Valentino

Plot recap: … (Read more)

Spinning around

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(spoilers for Ahnonay follow)

Dnì has now given up trying to find a variation of his name that the Nexus won’t block out, and is now going by the alias of Lancaster Drew.

We spent last night working through his Ahnonay; since it was his first time there I let him work out how the puzzle worked, nudging him here and there when he missed some important clue (I didn’t really want to spend a week there). In the end … (Read more)


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I haven’t been much down to D’ni lately, mostly touch and go visits, though I tried to take a few hours off my schedule to visit the pods. I didn’t get to see much wildlife (apart from Dereno) but it seems to me there are a lots more sounds and activity than in the last few months. Or maybe it’s just my memory playing tricks on me.

I also dug up my very very old KI, the one I was … (Read more)


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At least, that’s the family of plants Dnì* tells me the vegetation in Er’cana is a part of. Since my botanical knowledge doesn’t really extend much beyond the things in my garden, I just smile and nod.

The machines had reverted themselves to their ‘off’ state, as they seem prone to do after prolonged times of inactivity (I didn’t bake pellets for months) so we had to do the whole exploration thing all over again.

After a brief exploration of … (Read more)

Looking at D’ni with new eyes

posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 1

I was so busy exploring the old grounds that I forgot to post my new KI number here. It’s 374362, add me if you want and send me a line.

Indeed, soon after getting my KI and a couple Nexus links in the City, I visited a few of my favourites stamping grounds: Tetsonot, Kirel, Minkata. I spent the whole first day finding my way back to the Kivas and feeling the warm winds under the starry sky.

The next … (Read more)


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There’s an interesting post at the DRC forums about what could an informal D’ni script look like.
It is indeed curious that most of the things we saw written were in such a formal, tidy script, even in such places as Riven where calligraphy was surely not the first of priorities. On the other note, D’ni numbers (which derive straight from the letters, or vice versa) has something of the runic script, with the boxes, the simple curve of … (Read more)

Or not

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So I wait all day at work to be able to go down to the Cavern and then I find out that the Lattice is apparently down for updates. And of course, now that I can’t go down again until Thursday evening, it seems to be back up again. Sigh.… (Read more)

And back!

posted in: Myst Online: Uru Live | 0

The Cavern is officially open again!
I’ll post my KI number as soon as I have a new one (my KI got wiped clean after that accident on the Orcamian moons – long story). Now, where did I put that hard hat?… (Read more)